
Are you ready to

say goodbye to burnout

and start living a life you love?


The ALIGNed Life

you deserve to live your dream life,

This course was designed for:

Ambitious Professionals: They are driven and ambitious individuals who have demanding careers or are focused on achieving specific career goals. Think entrepreneurs, executives, managers, or professionals in high-pressure industries

Workaholics: They have a tendency to overwork and struggle to disconnect from their job, leading to a lack of time and energy for other essential aspects of life, such as family, relationships, hobbies, and self-care.

Stressed and Overwhelmed: They feel overwhelmed by their daily responsibilities and experience high levels of stress, which can affect their overall well-being and mental health.

Striving for Meaning: They are seeking a deeper sense of purpose and meaning in their life, wanting to align their actions with their core values to find greater satisfaction and fulfillment.

Desire for Balance/Synergy: They recognize the importance of achieving their own definition of work/life balance or synergy and are willing to make positive changes in their habits and mindset to achieve it.

Open to Coaching: They are open-minded and receptive to coaching, willing to explore and address limiting beliefs or behaviors that may be hindering their progress.

Committed to Growth: They are committed to personal growth and are eager to invest time and effort into their own development to achieve a more balanced and fulfilling life.

If this sounds like you, this course may be just what you’ve been seeking.

Life Happens Outside the 9-5, Your Goals Should Too

Are you feeling overwhelmed, struggling to juggle your professional and personal life?

As a Work/Life Synergy Coach, I’m here to help you ALIGN your life with purpose and fulfillment.

Together we’ll:

Articulate your core values

Lay out values-based goals

Implement actionable habits (that work with your life)

Grapple with limiting beliefs

Navigate your growth toward a more balanced and harmonious life.

Let’s work together to create a roadmap for success, so you can achieve your goals while maintaining a sense of well-being and happiness.

5 Step framework

Course Curriculum

This course combines my 20-year experience as a health and wellness coach with evidence-based positive psychology and behavior change principles.

I’m not going to tell you what to do, I’m going to teach you how to build your own framework and develop self-trust and confidence in creating your own plan.

This isn’t just about goals, this is about how you show up in the world. I want you to recognize and achieve your highest potential.

Let’s do this!

Module 01

Mindset & Course Overview

  • Review the course outline.
  • Discuss mindset and time management strategies.

Module 02

Articulate your Values

  • Identify your top values and priorities in this season of life.
  • Bring awareness to how these values show up (or don’t).

Module 03

Lay out Values-based Goals

  • Set values-based goals.
  • Identify boundaries that need to be set to achieve your goals.

Module 04

Implement Habits

  • Learn evidence-based behavior change strategies to effectively implement habits.

Module 05

Grapple with Limiting Beliefs

  • Identify limiting beliefs that are holding you back.
  • Learn techniques to reframe thoughts.

Module 6

Navigate Growth

  • Create a plan to help you move forward based on what you’ve learned in the course.

What’s Included

The aligned life course includes the following:

6 Live Group Coaching Calls

Fillable PDF Workbook

Life Time Access to Course (including course updates)

Waitlist Bonus: Private 30-Minute Coaching Call

Are you ready?

Course Investment

The best investment we can make is in ourselves

Join at this inaugural course launch price.


Meet your coach

Hey there! I’m Sheena.

I’m a Certified Holistic Life, Leadership, and Executive Coach. I help passionate professionals live and work aligned with their values so they can achieve their professional AND personal goals.

I’m a full-time working mom of two awesome kids, a graduate student, a board member for two non-profit organizations, and I have a coaching and consulting business. So I get it. The framework I teach you in this course is the same one I use in my own life.

Frequently Asked Questions

What if I can’t make the live calls?

No problem! The calls will be recorded and you will have access for the life of the course.

I have limited time. Will there be a lot of homework?

This course is designed to take what works for you in your current season of life. There is no such thing as doing the course perfectly.

What if I can’t be on camera during the calls?

That’s ok! Come as you are. The more you are able to engage the more you will get from the calls, and simply listening while waiting for soccer practice to end will still benefit you.

Are there payment plans offered?

Yes, I’m happy to discuss payment plan options with people who want to take the course.

Do you offer 1:1 coaching?


Do you offer this course for organizations?

Yes! I offer custom coaching and consulting programs for organizations and teams.

What is the refund policy?

Due to the nature of this course, it is nonrefundable. I want all course participants to feel like their investment was valuable. If you do not feel this way during the course, let’s connect to discuss how we can make sure you walk away feeling like it was worth the investment.

How long do I have access to the course?

You get access for the life time of the course including all updates!

I hope to see you in the course!